A Home At Last

There are 12 weeks left for us to get our 1950's Australian Farm Cottage renovated and finished to a point where we can move in...even if the paint isn't quite dry and the kitchen has no cabinet doors...we need to be in by the first week of December.

Miniature Irish Barn Hand Painted Paper Clay by HomespunIreland on Etsy

Most of my readers over at my art blog will have seen the first photos popping up in my latest posts but to be honest, I haven't been able to keep up with posting the photo updates as quickly as we snap them! And every day My Dad The Builder makes huge progress (well it seems like huge progress to us anyway) and I have to race around and capture all the latest changes to walls and windows.

Our little cottage home

There is more about all that over at Our Little Cottage Home, a blog to keep track of all the things we've done with the cottage in the past couple of months. And there is much more to come! I've been keeping track of all my 'dream house' ideas via Pinterest and all the inspiration ideas for my soon-to-be-renovated art studio!

I'm dreaming of a cottage with white walls inside, the cool forest on one side and a cottage garden out the front leading into the meadow... I say 'meadow'. Its not quite so green and lush as you might imagine. More dry grass and weeds than green grass right now. But a girl can dream...

~ All of these images are from the items featured in my latest treasury on Etsy 'Home At Last' ~

In the last few days it suddenly became Spring here in Orara. The weather is dry (for the first time in 4 years) windy, and you can smell the smoke in the air from the last of the winter burning off. It makes me edgy. I don't like the thought of what Summer is going to be like this year. I am looking forward to swimming!


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